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At the Eternity Connection you will find a team of professionally trained and certified counsellors and spiritual healers. Each team member brings different healing knowledge, skills and experience to their work. We….

  • Believe that you are unique and multi-dimensional;
  • Understand that spiritual unfoldment cannot be separated from your general well-being;
  • Offer a holistic approach to healing with a unique spiritual focus, recognizing that healing involves more than just talk therapy; and
  • Recognize that you bring a diverse range of strengths, challenges, and needs to the helping relationship.


Spiritual Healing assists in promoting inner peace and feelings of well being by treating the whole person.  The healer acts as a conduit for healing energies to flow through the recipient.  

  • Spiritual energy is not limited by time and space.
  • A trained spiritual healer can set their intent on you from far away and become aware of your energy field.
  • The healer can help you remove blocks and unwanted energies from their system.
  • The healer can also support you in getting your spiritual energy flowing, so you can heal yourself.
  • Distance healings can be calming and promote the release of stress and are a key part of holistic healing.
  • Scientific studies have provided evidence that distance healer is equal to or greater in effectiveness as hands-on healing.


Spiritual development cannot be separated from personal growth. For this reason, we offer spiritual counselling to augment our various educational services.

Our staff offer spiritual counselling services which are intended to enhance your physical, emotional, mental, and spiritual well-being.

Spiritual counselling can take many forms. As a discipline, it is rooted in the belief that the spirit is connected to the mind, body, and emotions. One of the main goals of spiritual counselling is to help you reach a state of awareness or self-realization by connecting you with your soul based resources.

Our spiritual counsellors have experience in working with individuals who experience personal obstacles to the spiritual development. Of course, the type of work a spiritual counselor performs will typically be determined by your needs. Our counsellors will provide support and help your find answers to the challenges you encounter which will enable you to realize your own strengths and abilities and enhance your relationship with yourself and others. 

Each of our spiritual counsellors have been professionally trained through an accredited university program in social work, counselling, psychology, or nursing. Each holds a graduate degree in their respective discipline, is a member in good standing with their professional association and is bound by a professional code of ethics as well as our Community Covenant. 

Booking a Healing or Counselling Session

So just as with the guidance offered during our readings, the choice is up to you. Before booking a healing or counselling session, we encourage you to review the brief biographies and photos for our healers or counsellors. Pick the healer or counsellor that you feel drawn to or best suited to your needs. All of our healers and counsellors receive ongoing training, supervision, and evaluation. Once you have chosen your healer or counsellor, simply click their photo to go to their booking page. On their booking page, you will find their schedule. Simply select a time that works for you and complete the payment section. Please note that all of our services are in Canadian dollars. We will be adding a currency conversion module that will generate an approximate price in your local currency. You will receive an email that confirms your booking as well as instructions that will help you prepare for your session. Please note that all of our services are provided online through private videoconferencing.  Please contact us if you need to connect with your service provider by telephone.You will receive an email following your reading asking you to complete a brief evaluation about your session.


  • Our healers and counsellors are bound by their own professional code of ethics as well as the Eternity Connection’s Community Covenant.
  • No matter which helping professional you choose, you will be always be treated with respect, and encouraged to make your own choices in life.
  • What you say will be kept confidential (unless disclosure is required by law). Our helping professionals bring integrity, experience, and competence to their work with you.
  • Each healer and counsellor work within the scope of an agreed service agreement and within the limits of their skills and training.

Eternity Connection Healers & Counsellors