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Vivian Aubin

Vivian has the innate ability to know just where you are at this time of your life’s journey and where you may need assistance and/or support.

Vivian’s main focus is healing and with that comes self-empowerment which is the focus for each session. Whether its in a Spiritual assessment or in a mediumship reading—progression of your well-being is utmost in the center. The beauty of reconnecting with your love ones in Spirit offers a renewed strength, love and support that may be needed at this time.

Life never ends – we continue on and with the gift of mediumship the two worlds intermingle and exchange love and learning.

Vivian believes wholeheartedly that we are here to learn and get to know our true self. It is in these moments of learning that our light truly shines and continues to light our path.

A close call with death 29 years ago made her aware of her spiritual guides which were instrumental in saving her life. She feels very blessed to work with Spirit.

Combining her many years of nursing knowledge and certifications in energy medicine has given Vivian a thirst for knowledge and a love in sharing it. Being a Grief and Trauma recovery provider is instrumental in her work.

Grateful for all her teachers, clients and students; she feels the greatest teacher of all is 

She would be honored to meet you on your journey.