Healing Talks is a poignant and inspiring celebration of life where Melba Stetz shares her journey with cancer and Spirit. In her book you will find so many powerful stories about Melba’s life and her service to others. She begins with sharing the many losses that she and her family experienced over the years. In Chapter 2, Melba outlines the various psychic senses and her first encounter with cancer and her learning to accept her body as it is changed by cancer. In Chapter 3, Melba describes her many psychic experiences including premonitions and ESP. As Melba continues, she discussed mental health including the process of grieving. Later, she speaks to needs of those who experience ADHD, and that ADHD is not a deficit but a form of neurodiversity with its own challenges and gifts such as the ability to hyperfocus on things that one finds interesting.
As her story emerges, we learn about Melba’s perseverance and resilience in working towards her goals. Chapter 5 focuses on coping strategies including journaling, music, photography, affirmations, videogames, meditation, mindfulness and sitting in the power of Spirit. As she continues Melba speaks about her spirituality including her Catholic roots and her exploration of Spiritualism and Spirit Guides. As her journey moves into Chapter 6, Melba deepens her discussion of her relationship with the Spirit world and paranormal phenomena. She shares her experience with communicating with her mother in the Spirit World and then a variety of psychic phenomena including repeated numbers, electronic voice phenomena, and many synchronicities and signs from Spirit. As her story continues, Melba shares how she connects with the Spirit world and then goes on to describe her experiences with practice readings. Melba closes her book with sharing her mediumistic experiences with her family members. She describes what she has learned about them from the Spirit world. At the end she sums up her blessings and points out that there is something “good” about being in stage 4/terminal including learning to embrace her changes to her physical body and cute hats, having a good idea of what is on the other side, knowing that her family will be waiting for her with open arms when she transitions.
Healing Talks is a testament to Melba’s courage and determination to take on so many challenges in life. While the title may imply sadness and grief, her story is one of spiritual unfoldment, joy, and hope as well as a limitless zest for life. In concert with her life journey, her book is also about service to her family, community, and the Spirit World. In keeping with this spirit of service, you will find in her book a vast array of helpful resources that will be of benefit to anyone who reads her book.
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