Have you often found that you know something even there is no visible evidence available?
For example, when the telephone rings and you know who is calling or a loved one is about to say something, and you know what they are about to say? Would you like to refine your psychic awareness & sensitivity? Join Wendy on a journey of discovery where you will embrace and enhance your intuitive potential. We will include exploring colour and how it can be used within a psychic reading, making a soul-to-soul connection and allowing the flow of inspiration to bring more depth to our awareness.
Course Instructor: Wendy Lyon, DSNU
Schedule: Saturdays
Dates: March 8 to March 22, 2025*
Course Times: Saturdays, 1:00 pm to 3:00 pm MT/ 3:00 to 5:00 pm ET/8:00 to 10:00 pm BT
Personal Investment: $150 ($140 if registered by Feb 22)
*Note: Clocks in Canada/US move forward one hour on March 9 2025. Consequently, the March 15 & 22 classes will be at 7:00 pm BST