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A Yogic Perspective on Spirit and Its Purpose

Join Facilitator Warren Lewis for an, interactive workshop that will explore yogic perspective on spirit and its purpose, exploring the parallels and contrasts with mediumships perspective on the subject.

This workshop starts with an exploration of the yoga chakras and a comparison with HeartMath, Chi, Ki, Mana and Prana. Also, we will discuss acupuncture & acupressure charts and the modern science of how energy flows through the fascia tissue as presented in Yin Yoga. This will be followed by a guided meditation using tuning forks that resonate with the frequencies of the chakras. The last portion of the workshop will focus reincarnation and karma from a yoga perspective and comparisons with near death experiences past life recollections and regressions. Finally, there will be a guided meditation to provide participants with insights as to their own unique spiritual purpose. 

Course Instructor: Warren Lewis, E-RYT-500 Yoga Alliance Certified Yoga Instructor 

Dates: Wednesday, March 19th 2025 

Course Times: 6 to 8:00 pm MST/ 8 to 10:30 pm EST 

Personal Investment: $60 ($55 if registered by Mar 12) 

Personal Development
March 19th, 2025 6:00 PM   through   8:00 PM
Event Fee(s)
Workshop Fee $ 60.00

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