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A Message from John to Doug by Shelley Youell - April 5 Message Service

by Eternity Connection

Have you ever wondered what mediumship is or what a message from the Spirit world is like? If so, watch this 7-minute video, A Message from John to Doug from our April 5 Message Service. This message was communicated by one of our fabulous mediums, Shelley Youell.

Jade Soetaert's picture

Crystal Singing Bowl Meditation Sampler

by Jade Soetaert

Feeling a bit anxious or worried at this challenging time. Take a moment, when its safe, to take few deep breaths and enjoy a 1-minute sampler of the sound of crystal singing bowls. Looking for more? Why not register for one of my Crystal Singing Bowl Meditations.


A Bird Singing by L. Brian Deobold

by Brian Deobald

Excerpt from the book "Guided Meditation Releasing the Song" by L. Brian Deobald

His meditative contemplation poems are designed for you to focus on the present to recieve meaning while delving deeper into the life force.

A Bird Singing

William Pelech's picture

What if We Never Left Heaven?

by William Pelech

To begin, I would like to point out that those who accept the Seven Principles of Spiritualism are free to interpret these principle in their own way. This is my interpretation of reality and Spiritualism. It is offered to provoke thought and conversation as well as a deepening of understanding.

William Pelech's picture

Join Us! You May Win a Free Reading or Spiritual Healing

by William Pelech

We would love to have you join our community. Each community member will be entered into a  monthly draw for a complimentary reading or spiritual healing. All that you need need to do is sign up for a user account by clicking the Login Button on the top right corner of our home page. Once you are on our User Account page, simply click the Create new account tab and enter your username, email, name, and address.

William Pelech's picture

Celebrating the Launching of the Eternity Connection

by William Pelech

A sincere welcome to you, as we together celebrate the launching of the Eternity Connection! The Eternity Connection is the culmination of over 5 years of development work. We are an international community of mediums, healers, educators, and counsellors, who have devoted our lives to the spiritual unfoldment. Our service providers come from all walks of life. Currently, we have service providers from Europe, the UK, and Canada.