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A Yogic Perspective on Spirit and its Purpose

This workshop starts with an exploration of the yoga chakras and a comparison with HeartMath, Chi, Ki, Mana and Prana. Also, we will discuss acupuncture & acupressure charts and the modern science of how energy flows through the fascia tissue as presented in Yin Yoga. This will be followed by a guided meditation using tuning forks that resonate with the frequencies of the chakras. The last portion of the workshop will focus reincarnation and karma from a yoga perspective and comparisons with near death experiences past life recollections and regressions. Finally, there will be a guided meditation to provide participants with insights as to their own unique spiritual purpose.
October 2nd, 2024 6:00 PM   through   8:30 PM
Event Fee(s)
Workshop Fee $ 50.00

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